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Completing an Enrolment

  • Updated

Applies to: AEOI


Warning: Please be aware that there might be small differences between your project implementation and the screenshots and information in this article, however, the overall functionality remains the same.



This article describes how reporting entities can complete an enrolment. 


All Financial Institutions are required to complete an Enrolment form before accessing the system.

This form is publicly accessible and the URL will vary slightly depending on where your enrolment functionality is hosted.

Links to the enrolment page will be accessible via the relevant Tax Authority website.

Before completing the Enrolment Form, a person must first prove that they are indeed a real person by entering a series of letters and digits displayed to them.

Having successfully entered the letters and digits, the person is brought to the enrolment form. The FI must complete all mandatory fields on the enrolment form, which includes two sections:

  1. Financial Institution Information
  2. Primary User Information

All Financial Institutions will have already obtained a GIIN (Global Intermediary Identification Number) which is issued by the IRS



Enrolment Requirements Include:

All fields with red asterixis are mandatory.


Primary User Information

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email Address
  • Telephone number
  • Attached Passport
  • Letter from Director of FI


If there are mandatory items incomplete with enrolment, one or more errors will be displayed.

Please see below an example of an Invalid GIIN

Enrolment requirements include:

Submission completed through the “Submit button”

Confirmation Message After Submission:


Enrolment requirements include submission completed through the “Submit button”.

One the enrolment has been submitted, a confirmation message will be displayed.

Note: The title of the return link will vary according to your specific implementation.

An Email confirmation should be sent to the primary user’s email address containing the login address, the username and a temporary password which needs to be changed on first login.

The following rules are enforced for the password:

  • It must contain one capital letter, one small letter, one number and one special character
  • It must be at least eight characters and no more than 30 characters
  • It must not contain any spaces
  • You cannot reuse your existing password


Last review date: 28th February 2023

Author: Alan Joyce


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